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GRAIN: Millions forced to choose between hunger or Covid-19

The saying “I would rather die of coronavirus than hunger” is being heard throughout much of the world. In the global South, because of quarantines and confinement, there is no work for the millions of people in the informal sector, who account for the vast majority of the work force. Without alternative income sources, the International Labour Organization warns, “these workers and their families will have no means to survive”. Read full article

Informal labour is what keeps food systems functioning in most of the world: it accounts for 94% of on-farm labour globally, and a big part of the workforce in food trade, retail, preparation and delivery in many parts of the world. What’s clear is that if this spreading hunger does reach the scale of a global crisis, it will not be for lack of production or even because of hoarding. There is plenty of supply. It’s the distribution system that has shown its incapacity to feed us safely.

< div>How do we ensure everyone has access to food while keeping people safe and healthy at every step from farm to consumer? Unfortunately, this has not been the priority that has shaped food systems over the past decades. But getting there is not as complicated as it may appear. In the last months – from India to Zimbabwe to Brazil -- farmers, communities and local governments in different parts of the world have been surmounting huge obstacles and innovating to make sure food gets to those that need it, while also supporting those livelihoods that depend on our food systems. 

Read the full article at: https://grain.org/e/6465

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by Dr. Radut
Fehler | Kooperative GartenCoop Freiburg


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